Celebrating Paramount Hotels’ Expansion and Maui’s Community Resilience

At Covenant Technology Solutions, we are committed to innovation and deeply invested in the communities we serve. Today, as we celebrate Paramount Hotels’ expansion, we also recognize the broader impact of our partnership in the wake of the devastating Maui wildfires. Our collaboration with Paramount Hotels has extended beyond technology solutions, reaching into significant community support and recovery efforts.

Innovative Hospitality Meets Cutting-Edge Technology

Our role in expanding Paramount Hotels was comprehensive, encompassing the enhancement of IT infrastructure and integrating innovative solutions like the Amazon Go store. These advancements ensure guests’ seamless, high-tech experience, reflecting our commitment to leading-edge hospitality solutions.

A Responsive Community Partner

Following the tragic wildfires in Maui, the need for immediate and effective community support became apparent. Paramount Hotels, supported by our technological expertise, played a crucial role in the recovery efforts. Notably, the former Maui Sun Hotel, now owned by the state and renamed Hale ‘O La ‘ie, has become a sanctuary for between 350 and 450 wildfire survivors. This initiative is part of a broader effort by the state to convert the property into affordable housing for Maui’s moderate-income workforce, including teachers.

Strategic Support for Fire Survivors

The interim use of Hale ‘O La ‘ie for fire survivor accommodation reflects a strategic response to community needs, reducing the state’s expenses previously directed towards sheltering survivors in hotels. This adaptation not only provides stability for those affected but also lays the groundwork for future housing solutions aimed at supporting essential workers in Maui.

“Tonight marks a culmination of relentless dedication and an immense team effort, and I couldn’t be more proud to stand here as we unveil the new chapter for our beloved hotel. The journey to this expansion was filled with its own set of challenges—from early morning site work to countless weekends spent on maintenance. It truly was a scramble at times, but thanks to the incredible hard work of every individual and team involved, from Goodfellow Brothers to Lane Construction, and the myriad of subcontractors who became part of our ohana, we’ve turned vision into reality. This expansion isn’t just about adding rooms; it’s about enhancing the experience for every guest who walks through our doors and continuing to build on the legacy of this property that has been a pillar of the community for over three decades. Thank you to every hand that has helped shape this project, to Covenant Technology Solutions for your invaluable technological support, and to all our partners who’ve made this possible. Together, we’ve not only constructed buildings but fortified the foundation of hospitality and community right here in Maui.”

— Matt Olson, President, Paramount Hotels

Long-Term Vision for Community Integration

The vision for Hale ‘O La ‘ie goes beyond immediate relief; plans are in place for a conversion, including residential units and educational facilities. Paramount Hotels and Pacific Rim Land Inc. are instrumental in operating the property to accommodate fire survivors, showcasing an exemplary model of corporate responsibility and community integration. The estimated renovation costs suggest a significant investment in transforming the property into a long-term asset for the community, including adding prekindergarten classrooms and residential apartments.

Partnering with Paramount Hotels has not only been a collaboration but a testament to what we can achieve when we align innovation with a strong commitment to community values. The success of this project underscores the importance of integrating advanced technology solutions that not only enhance guest experiences but also empower us to respond effectively in times of need. This partnership is immensely important to our team as it reflects our core mission—leveraging technology to make a real difference. It’s a powerful reminder of the impact we can have when our work directly contributes to the well-being of the community and sets a standard for social responsibility in the business world.”

— Tim Choquette, President and CEO, Covenant Technology Solutions

Celebrating a Blessing, Embracing the Future

As we celebrate this significant expansion and the operational success of the Amazon Go store at Paramount Hotels, we are also preparing for the traditional Hawaiian blessing of the new hotel wing. This ceremony underscores our commitment to respecting and nurturing the community’s cultural and spiritual values.

The completion of Paramount Hotels’ expansion and our role in facilitating community support efforts illustrate strategic partnerships’ power in fostering business growth and social responsibility. At Covenant, we remain dedicated to driving innovation and supporting our partners and communities through technology and shared values. As we look to the future, our continued collaboration with Paramount Hotels promises further advancements in hospitality and community support, reflecting our core values of progress and compassion.

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